Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Mommas Shopping in Rockland Kosher

Rockland Kosher is in what my kids call the Kosher Mall- an indoor mall. But not one with arcades and bars and shops you run past when you go with your teenage sons. It has a shoe store, shoe repair, cell phone store, linen, health food, window coverings, kids clothes, jewelry, nice jewish businesses. And a catering hall.

So often, when a Simcha is over, or winding down, you will see well dressed couples shopping for cereal, bread, milk, and snacks. At 10:00 at night. Which is what I was doing when I saw three such couples. Let me explain that on Thursday nights, this store is filled mainly with men. Almost all Chassidish. That is the bulk of their clientele. But of course everyone is welcome to shop there. (though there is a sign posted requesting appropriate dress; sleeves, no shorts, etc). I am cool with that, they can have their standards. Not all mine, but so what!

But I have a problem with the Hot Mommas who come in after a simcha, wearing their "zonah" shoes with heels that could impale a human being and bleed him to death. And please tell me when the covering your knee standard disappeared? Hello, these are people from the parts of Monsey that are NOT modern orthodox! Whose husbands wear hats and whose kids go to the regular yeshivos here! Whose Bais Medrash boys go to right wing Batei Medrashim! (or will when they are old enough). Maybe I am biased (or do I mean jealous) because if I wore shoes that high I would fall on my face. And my knees aren't my best feature, so I like to keep them neatly covered. It also disturbs me because some of these women are nearing 40! I don't begrudge 40 year old women who look terrific and know how to dress well, not at all! Kol Hakovod! But this is too much a teen age look. For how many years can you STILL be lashing out against your Bais Yaakov Teachers??

I felt sad, more than anything else. I recognized some of the women. and I am pretty sure that a few years ago, their knees were covered. And they didn't wear sleazy shoes.


Maidel said...

totally Betty Draper syndrome - I just posted on this.

Honestly tho, I LOVE a great heel. And there have been times where I've had to run into a store on my way to a wedding.

Anonymous said...

I don't get out much, but at the last yeshivish wedding I attended the skirt lengths and tight tops really caught me by surprise. Yet this community looks down on MO folks more than ever before, too.

G6 said...

It's all because of Shabbos elevators.....

Give $200 to Kupat Ha'ir and call me in the morning.

Anonymous said...

It's the older Hot Channies.

citizen of brooklyn north said...

but did they dress like this when they were younger? I don't think so. I think they finally realized, hey! no teachers, principals, or mothers telling me what to do! I work hard to have this slim body and I want to show it off! also, I think that excessive movie/tv watching kind of makes you immune to the finer points of tznius. and of course hanging out at the mall or dave and busters. or even trying to buy a decent top at a non jewish store. after a while you kind of blur the lines of what is and isn't acceptable. and with shoes, hey, every shoe needs a heel! so these are a wee bit higher!

G6, I have no clue what you are referring to

SuperRaizy said...

Pretty judgemental post.

citizen of brooklyn north said...

SuperRaizy- so right, very judgemental.

That's why I blog. anonymously. to vent...;-)